
Landing Pages That Your Ecom Brand NEEDS Right Now

By Nicholas Reed
October 19, 2022

When it comes to the profitability of any marketing growth channel, your post-click experience is one of the most important levers you can pull that can lead to a massive increase in overall results.

Having a great website is a great starting point, however, unless you’re selling one product to a very specific audience with a single, specific offer, your website will often be very generalized around your brand.

Think about it… if you have three collections with a few products in each one, your home page will probably have a little bit of info about each collection and the product pages will be focused on buying the product along with some education and trust building, rather than education and trust building leading up to the sale.

Before we dive into the seven different types of landing pages that you can use to boost your profits, it’s important to remember that your landing page needs to match your pre-click offer. In other words, if you’re sending people to a listicle, make sure your ad is about the listicle, not the sale. 

Now that we have that clear, let’s get to the good stuff.

Traditional product lander

These landers are probably the most common landers around. The goal here is to keep your traffic focused on one offer to solve their problems and turn them into buyers. This means getting rid of, or reducing, any menus or pop-ups, because those can lead to other areas on your site.

This page should be designed with one goal in mind and the only way for someone to move forward is to initiate their purchase.

Start this page by showing the benefits of the product first, then the features later. What is this product going to do for your customer and how will it change their life?

From there, you need to build trust so show some of your best reviews here as well as any accolades from well known sources that you have.

Then you can focus on more education around why your product is important, why it’s better than competitors, or some of the key tech behind your product. 

Pro Tip: Product comparison charts work great here!

From there, show a few more reviews to really drive it home that your product is solving problems for people just like your audience.

Finally, it’s time to make a firm call to action to get people to buy your product. This is where you can use a simple product buy box, similar to what you’d have at the top of your product page.

A great example of a traditional product lander is this bundle promo from Bold Golf. The ad is specifically offering this promo and the landing page page ads urgency.

VIP Offers

Do you have a VIP customer list that you market special offers to? If you don’t, you should!

A great way to keep your best customers engaged is to make special “thank you” offers to your customer list that aren’t available on your main website. This could be a bundle offer or even a first chance at a new product before it sells out.

The goal here is to make your customers feel special, add some urgency, and make them feel like they are getting a good deal.

Because these people already know your brand and trust you, you can keep this page fairly short and sweet rather than overloading them with information.

This VIP collection lander from Onium was used as a first look at the summer collection for their VIP customers. This page was simple and had minimal education but kept things focused and direct.

New Customer Offer

Similarly to the VIP offer, this lander is geared towards a very specific segment of your audience. Instead of VIP customers though, this one is sent to people who are on your list, but haven’t purchased yet.

If the good ‘ole 10% off offer that you got them signed up with wasn’t enticing enough, creating a special, first time buyer offer could send your prospects over the edge. 

Structuring this page with strong brand benefits, enticing copy, tons of trust building elements, and a crazy offer such as a special bundle or a free gift can be a great way to convert your non-customers into first-time buyers.

Pro Tip: if you’re collecting more data about your audience with multi-step sign-ups or other sign up strategies, you can get very nitty gritty by creating specific new customer offers that are more in-line with a specific segment.


In a perfect world, everyone would buy your product. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and some people need a little extra information, trust building, or even just time to research the best product for their needs.

This is where a listicle can come in handy!

By sending your audience to a lander with a list of reasons why your product and/or brand is the right option for their need, you can quickly build value in an easy to understand way. These lists are straightforward and basically say “you should buy this product because this, this, and this.”

These can be especially useful if your products or brand have very unique attributes such as specifical materials or ingredients, features that competitors don’t have, or even versatility of your products.

Listicles can also be adopted to a top of funnel audience to get people interested in your products for the first time. For example, a listicle with product and brand value propositions is a great way to help people switch from another brand to your brand.

Subscription with a entry offer

Are you selling a subscription to your customers? Do you want to get more subscribers? Of course you do!

A lot of people are on the fence with subscriptions, but if you can sweeten the deal, you can entice people to subscribe. Keep in mind that this is a long term play and really leans into the lifetime value of your subscribers and can have an initial hit on your margin and profitability, so be sure to run the numbers before you push a crazy offer.

Offers such as a free trial with sign-up and free gifts are a great way to get people to sign up. 

After presenting your offer, build value around the subscription itself with potential savings, never running out of the product, etc… then build value around the product.

Similarly to the traditional product lander, this page should be educational, trust building, and should sell your customers on the benefits of your product!

Not sure if these kinds of offers will work? Although they aren’t necessarily traditional ecom, cell phone carriers like Verizon and AT&T thrive on offers like this!


A great way to get people in your ecosystem while getting them down the path to your products is by leveraging an advertorial. Advertorials are blog-style, educational landing pages that are actually ads disguised as an editorial piece of content.

These landing pages are often positioned as exploratory content to help people learn how to solve their problem while positioning the product as the solution.

Think of it like this. If you were to Google “how to build muscle” and there’s a product that could that could help you build muscle (protein powder) along with a few other things (exercise and diet), wouldn’t it make sense to write an article that presents exercise, diet, and then shows how a protein powder can help? 

This is especially helpful if the product can help expedite results!

A great example and an incredibly powerful advertorial is Onnit’s Joe Rogan Advertorial. This article gets you hooked and has celebrity product validation.


If you have a product catalog with a lot of options to choose from, using a product quiz is a great way to help people choose the right product for them! This is especially helpful if there are only or just a few products that actually work for each shopper.

When using quizzes, you’re helping your customers build trust in their purchase, find the correct product faster, and at the end, you can collect their email to send suggestions too. Your customer wins because they know exactly which product is right for them and you win because you can earn their email along with a ton of useful data about your customer. 

Product quizzes are literally a segmentation goldmine! Although they can be fairly time consuming to build, tools such as Octane AI or ConvertFlow make product quiz creation a breeze!

If you’re looking for an excellent example of a product quiz, look no further than Il Makiage’s skincare quiz that helps people find the perfect product’s for their unique skin composition.

Educational write up

Although this isn’t going to be a massive sales page, if you have a very unique product that requires a lot of education, having a “deep dive” page can be a great place to send warm traffic who might need a little more information about your product before they make a purchase.

Think of this page as a subtle value add page that you can use in one of your email flows like your welcome flow or even your abandoned cart flow.

Use this educational write up to go into all the details of your product. A great way to think about this page is to build it like an expanded and graphical FAQ page. Your education page should answer any question that your customer might have about your product or even the problems that your product solves.

If you want to increase your roas or your revenue per email, it’s no secret that using a landing page is one of the best ways to get the results you’re looking for. You can literally use a landing page for anything, however, make sure that your pre-click offer is in sync with your lander. Remember, the better in sync your lander is with the call to action in your ad or email, the better your results will likely be.

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